Montana Afterschool Data
MT Afterschool Data Snapshot
MTAA has used the information collected in our 2019-2020 database to create a snapshot of the afterschool programs in Montana. This data helps share the importance of out-of-school-time programs in our state. We understand Covid-19 has impacted many programs in the state, so please ensure your program’s most recent data is included in our future snapshots by entering your information into our 2020-21 Database.
America After 3pm Data
For years, afterschool programs have kept kids safe, inspired them to learn, and helped working families. America After 3PM is the largest survey on afterschool that spans 16 years. Below, you’ll find data on afterschool across topics like Native American communities, rural communities, STEM, and summer learning. For more information about AA3PM, click here.
America After 3pm Native American Families Data
America After 3PM reveals that afterschool programs play an important role in Native American communities, providing comprehensive supports for Native American children that include academic support and enrichment activities, time to build relationships with peers and adults, health and wellness programming, and connecting students with their culture. Native American parents—with and without a child in an afterschool program—recognize these benefits as well, and view afterschool programs as a positive place for youth to learn, grow, and thrive.
Below are some of America After 3pm’s findings on afterschool experiences in Native American communities:
More than 4 in 10 Native American parents reported that their children’s afterschool program does not include cultural programming.
Sixty-nine percent of respondents said it was either extremely or somewhat important for their child’s afterschool program to share their family’s values.
More than 2 in 5 children not in a summer program, would be enrolled if a program were available.
Native American parents are the most likely of any group to say that they did not enroll their child in a summer program because of the lack of availability of programs.
America After 3pm Rural Data
In rural America, demand for afterschool and summer learning programs is now the highest in the history of America After 3PM, and rural families are increasingly reporting challenges accessing afterschool programs. America After 3PM finds that for every rural child in an afterschool program, four more children are waiting to get in, while during the summer, for every rural child in a summer program, two more are waiting.
Below are some of America After 3pm’s findings on afterschool experiences in rural communities:
The unmet demand for rural afterschool programs grew from 39 percent of rural families in 2009 to 47 percent in 2020.
Rural parents reporting that cost and access are barriers to afterschool program participation has increased by double-digit percentage points since 2014.
Rural parents recognize the benefits afterschool programs bring.
In rural communities, unmet demand and barriers to participation are greater among communities of color and families with low incomes
Afterschool and summer programs help kids in rural communities realize their full potential
America After 3PM STEM Data
Afterschool and summer programs provide hands-on learning opportunities and a natural space for students to explore, learn, and grow. These programs spark students’ interest in STEM and computer science subjects, expose them to future careers, and support school- day learning, all while developing a new generation of problem solvers. But, inequities exist and too many young people are missing out.
Below are the major findings regarding STEM learning experiences in 2020-2021:
Parents strongly support STEM learning in afterschool
STEM learning opportunities are widely available in afterschool and summer learning programs
Afterschool programs provide STEM learning opportunities to populations underrepresented in STEM fields
Opportunities are not the same for all families
There are gender disparities in the students afterschool and summer learning programs reach with STEM
STEM Learning in Afterschool is based on responses from more than 31,000 U.S. families, including 295 families in Montana. It includes national-level findings from smaller surveys of parents and program providers conducted in summer and fall of 2020 and spring of 2021. To see Montana’s dashboard and data breakdown, click here.
America After 3PM Summer Data
Summer programs provide critical positive experiences that youth carry with them as they grow. Structured programs offer the chance to foster friendships and connections, develop life skills, be active, and explore different subjects through intellectually engaging projects. For families, summer programs provide peace of mind knowing their child is in a safe and engaging space.
Below are the major findings regarding summer experiences in 2019-2020:
Parent satisfaction for summer programs is strong, with participation higher than ever
Parents want this summer to be different
Barriers to access remain high, especially for low-income families
Programs face barriers to operation
Parents are highly in favor of public funding for summer programs
With these insights into what summer programs looked like throughout the nation in 2019-2020, we can help redefine and restructure the parameters of equitable summer learning in 2021. To see Montana’s dashboard and data breakdown, click here. Here you will find Montana’s metrics to uncover unmet demand, satisfaction rates, enrollment challenges for families, and support for public funding.

America After 3PM Report
Released in December 2020, the Afterschool Alliance’s 4th edition of America After 3PM provides a detailed account of children in the afterschool hours, identifying: trends of participation in and unmet demand for afterschool programs; the experiences and opportunities programs afford, and which children and families are missing out and why. Read about the demands, benefits, challenges and support of afterschool in Montana here.
Advocate for Afterschool in Montana
Wondering how you can use the data above to advocate for afterschool programming in your community? Visit our Advocacy page to learn more about contacting legislators and key decision-makers in your community.