Montana Out-of-School Time

Program Database

The Montana Out-of-School Time Program Database consists of programs serving youth during Out-of-School Time (OST): before school, after school, in the summer, on weekends, and over holidays. It’s the only database of its kind in Montana. 

Our goal is to promote the visibility of OST programs and to support MTAA’s role in advocating for providers, communities, youth and families. 

The information collected through this database will assist MTAA in providing a snapshot of OST efforts across the state, highlight gaps and make the case for ongoing support. It will also help parents, policy makers, community stakeholders and the public to understand the landscape of OST program opportunities in our community.

Please fill out the program database survey to be included in the updated map!

For a full list of programs in Montana from previous years, click here:

Montana Program 2019-20

Montana Programs 2020-21

Check Out our Afterschool 2019-2020 Data Snapshot!