Approaches to Learning (Four-Part Series)
Join the Y4Y Team to explore facilitation methods, structures and activities that provide a variety of pathways to increase student engagement and learning. Hear from subject matter experts and practitioners about strategies they’ve used to build trusting relationships with students and community members. Explore how to use student voice and choice to cater to the varying learning styles, backgrounds and experiences of your students. Learn about Y4Y and other resources, and become a pro at creating onsite and virtual learning environments. If you’re already an expert, come and share your knowledge and experiences. This series takes place from July 27-30 daily from 11:00am-12:30pm MT. Note: You can choose to join one or more of the following sessions. Find the registration information here!
Monday, July 27: Building Trust With Students in the Whole Environment
Tuesday, July 28: Building Trusting Relationships Through Student Voice and Choice
Wednesday, July 29: Building Trust With Community Members
Thursday, July 30: Building Trust in a Virtual Environment