Coming Together for Our Youth: Innovating Out-of-School Time
Council for a Strong America will convene a discussion about out-of-school time (OST) and the impact of OST innovations on our nation's youth. Participants will include a law-enforcement leader from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, a retired military leader from Mission: Readiness, and a business leader from ReadyNation.
OST programming and resources play an essential role in connecting our youth to community. Creating a sense of place, encouraging safety, fostering connections, preventing juvenile crime and improving academic performance sets kids on track to successful and fulfilling lives. The current COVID-19 public health crisis has illuminated the need to innovate alongside increasing access to out of school time programming.
Join Wednesday, July 22 at 12:00 PM MST to learn more about how out-of-school time programming and resources play an essential role in connecting our youth to community and ways these programs can be innovated to better serve children during COVID-19. Register here!