Session 1: Strategies for Engaging & Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth During Out-of-School-Time Learning
Participants will learn practical strategies for creating safe and welcoming environments so LGBTQ+ youth will feel more comfortable and connected. The session will align with the National Afterschool Association’s Core Knowledge & Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Professionals and include materials and resources from publications such as, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) LGBT Youth resources which can help programs think through systems for support and ways to recruit and engage LGBTQ+ students more deeply into your program. Register here! Cost is $10.00 (50% off with code CAP_Spring_21).
Colorado Afterschool Partnership (CAP), in collaboration with the Ohio Afterschool Network and EnvisionEdPlus, is offering a 6-part learning series for afterschool and summer programs. Participants are invited to register for one or all of the 2-hour virtual learning sessions. While each of the first 5 sessions can stand on its own, participating in the entire series will build the capacity of afterschool and learning professionals.