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Attendance Works Webinar

Welcomed: Embracing Students, Families and Educators in the New School Year

A successful return to school is essential to recovering from this past year’s unprecedented and challenging  experiences. The first weeks back to school are an important time to strengthen and forge relationships, to rebuild routines and rituals, or make new ones to create community at school. Schools will need to pay attention to social and emotional wellness as well as assure families of the safety of in-person instruction. Building community at school will be especially important for students living in communities hard hit by Covid-19 and those showing up to a new school building for the first time. Schools will need to cultivate a feeling of belonging and connection for students in transition grades during the prior and upcoming school year. 

Working together, educators, community partners and families can recoup and thrive, especially if they use their attendance data from the prior year to identify who needs additional outreach and assess if efforts to engage students and families are working. The special guest speakers will discuss how a holistic approach to rebounding is more possible than ever before, given the growth of community schools, increase in school-connected health resources and availability of federal recovery funding. Register here!