Relief Funding and Recovery
What To Know About Montana Funding:
Recent federal relief packages in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) include state-level funds that can be used to support youth in and out of school. Below is an overview of Montana funding that may be available to impact summer and afterschool through September of 2024. Be sure to sign up to receive news from MTAA to stay up to date as funding opportunities become available.
EDUCATION FUNDS - Administered by the Office of Public Instruction
ESSER II (Education Funds in CRRSA)
$156,489,519 Direct to School Districts
Afterschool & summer allowed for addressing learning loss, SEL and inequities
ESSER III (Education Funds in ARP)
$347,017,312 Direct to School Districts
20% of school district allocation is required to be put towards addressing learning recovery with strategies that can include afterschool, summer & enrichment opportunities. School districts may partner with ARP funds through contracts with community-based organizations.
$19,100,962 Statewide Grants for Learning Recovery Strategies (TBD)
Can include summer and afterschool
$3,820,192 Statewide Grants for Summer Enrichment (TBD)
$3,820,192 Statewide Grants for Afterschool (TBD)
CHILD CARE FUNDS - Administered by Department of Health and Human Services
$29,014,370 from CRRSA
Can include appropriations for non-licensed summer and afterschool programs
$112,500,000 total from ARP, includes:
$42,563,312 for Expanded Child Care Assistance
$68,075,745 for Child Care Stabilization
Understanding and Leveraging These Funds
New Learning Loss Recovery Guidance and Survey Data Suggest Strong Role for Afterschool (September 2021) - New survey data released from The School Superintendents Association (AASA), as well as additional guidance on learning loss recovery from the US Department of Education, suggests there is more work to be done to provide students with the support they need to succeed.
State ARP plans: Supporting Afterschool and Summer Enrichment, Part 1 (July 2021)
Evidence-Based Interventions: Summer Learning or Enrichment and Comprehensive Afterschool Programs (March 2021) — Website for advocates and decision-makers seeking information on afterschool and summer learning as interventions eligible for funding from the American Rescue Plan.
School and Community Partnerships
Partnering with school districts and community organizations will be critical to effective recovery. Students and their families need full support from community members to successfully pivot to the moment. Visit our School and Community Partnerships page to learn more!