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Afterschool Alliance Webinar

American Rescue Plan: How to Access Funds for Afterschool & Summer

Education funding provided by the American Rescue Plan presents a tremendous opportunity to offer young people the quality afterschool and summer programs that are so desperately needed. But, with this tremendous opportunity also comes responsibility. Each of us in the afterschool field has a role to play to help ensure that funding is thoughtfully used to expand the availability of high-quality afterschool and summer programs, address barriers to participation, and fill in gaps in equity and access.

This “must join” session will provide an overview of the funding opportunity and provide tools that local communities can use to help ensure that they realize the potential of the American Rescue Plan funding to bring more afterschool and summer opportunities to life – and help all children re-engage, re-connect, and recover.

Look out for continuing webinars on the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the opportunities and implications for afterschool and summer learning programs. Register here!