Town Hall: Protecting Our Planet Together!
Calling all girls! Time to learn how women scientists and advocates use engineering, marine biology, and environmental sustainability to address climate change and protect our environment. Career Girls and the National Girls Collaborative Project are pleased to invite you to an interactive discussion in honor of Earth Day. This Town Hall is focused on hearing the voices of women and girls as they explore impactful careers in disciplines that require innovation and problem-solving. Role model experts will share their stories of fostering their interest in science into rewarding careers.
Please join us to listen to Noelle Bowlin, Ph.D., marine biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) Fisheries, CalCOFI Program Lead in the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Fisheries Resources Division, Angelique Diaz, Ph.D., P.E., licensed environmental engineer in the state of Colorado, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Lead Reviewer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 office, and Hannah Testa, sustainability advocate, international speaker, author, TEDx speaker, politico, and founder of Hannah4Change, a non-profit dedicated to fighting issues that impact the planet. Register here!