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Afterschool Alliance Webinar

Youth-Centered Civics Initiatives to Strengthen Communities

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed both the critical importance of childcare and the glaring inequities in the child care system related to access, supply, affordability, and quality. Perhaps more than ever, there is an opportunity to support working parents’ care needs across the age continuum. After more than a year of irregular schooling, social isolation, and piecemealing care options so parents and caregivers can continue working, quality school-age programs—which can support the academic and social development of youth—may be in especially high demand.

In this webinar, the Afterschool Alliance will discuss the importance of directing some of these essential new child care funds to school-age care, including afterschool and summer programs, and outline information for providers on how the funds might support their work and ability to serve youth and families equitably. Register here!