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Montana Education Virtual Summit 2021

Two days packed with facilitation and guidance on the newly required LEA Plans for ARP-ESSER funds, innovative ideas, strands for non-public, and school finance for each of you. This Summit will set the stage for Montana schools to meet our Constitutional mandate: A system of education which will develop the full educational potential of each individual. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen will host the Montana Education Virtual Summit supporting districts with Post-Covid opportunities. Work Sessions include:

  • The ARPA State Plan and the LEA Plan

  • Meaningful Stakeholder Consultation

  • What do the Data Tell

  • What is the purpose of K-12 Education?

  • Reimagining State Assessments

This conference will help educators gain critical insights on how to best leverage the influx of federal funding, aid LEAs in creating an effective educational system to meet the needs of each unique child, and work toward a successful future for all Montana students. Register here!